111 years - if the walls could speak, they would tell cheerful, sad, and unbelievable stories of the past.


Since its opening in 1913, Clärchens Ballhaus has survived two world wars, five political systems and six currency reforms.

Clärchens Ballhaus is a living piece of Berlin history - a relic from the imperial era that preserves the splendor of a time when Berlin still had over 900 ballrooms. Within these venerable walls, the memory of a flourishing dance culture that has held its own for more than a century lives on. Here, where the dance floor has survived wars, economic crises and political pressures, people have always found a home in dance.

From the Widows' Balls after the First World War, to the unwavering dance evenings despite the bombed-out front building in the Second World War, to the encounters between East and West in the halls during the GDR - for 111 years, Clärchens has embodied Berlin's resilience and unbroken joy of life.

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